ותקנה טמאה מדרס – it still stands in its defilement, because the second strap/handle exists.
טהור מן המדרס – even though the first one was repaired prior to the second one breaking, nevertheless, it is pure, for new faces came to here, for after it went down into defilement by treading, these faces were renewed, and this is not the first after it already had ben ruined in order to annul it.
אבל טמא מגע מדרס – because the first strap/handle, when it was broken/snapped, and it was repaired, that he brought another strap in place of the broken one and attached it to the sandal, it became defiled through contact with treading, for it touched the sandal that was impure through treading, but when the second strap snapped and their flowered from it the defilement of Midras/treading, there remained in it the defilement of contact, for the entire sandal was attached to the first strap that had been repaired.
עד שנפסקה – the second strap.
טהורה – for since the two straps were broken, it further was not appropriate for anything.
מפסק עקבו (if its heel was torn) – the leather of the sandal that covers the height of the foot that is corresponding to the foreleg from its backside.
חוטמו (toe piece, knotted strapplngs of a shoe) – that goes up corresponding to the toes of the foot from in front of him.
טהור – [pure] from retroactive defilement, but it is susceptible to receive ritual defilement from here and onwards.
סוליים (sole, slipper) – the leather that is underneath the toes of the foot along. That it lacks a heel, and in the foreign language, SOLA.
האמום (shoe-makers last) – the frame of the shoe that is made from leather filled with hair.
ר' אליעזר מטהר – that he holds that the work of the shoe/foot-covering is not completed until it is detached from the shoe maker’s last.
וחכמים מטמאין – for they consider that the work was completed. And the Halakha is according to the Sages.
כל חמתות צרורות (all tied up goatskin) – leather skins that were perforated with an incision that removes them from their defilement and ties up the incision.
טהורין – as they were, because he will eventually loosen the knot.
חוץ מקשר של ערביים – which is not easy to untie.
צרור שעה (tied up for a time) – a knot that is made according to the hour and stands to be loosened.
צרור עולם – a knot that is made to exist forever.
כל המתות צרורות טהורות (all tied up goatskins are pure) – whether an eternal knot or a temporary knot, and even of that of the Arabs. But the Halakha is according to the first Tanna/teacher (see also Tractate Eduyot, Chapter 5, Mishnah 1).