שלשה על שלשה שנקרע – and the tears were not divided from each other (i.e., they were attached).
ובשרו נוגע בכסא – if the tear is so large under that when they place the cloth upon the chair and he sat upon it, his flesh would come in contact/touch the chair.
טהור – that he nullified it from the category of a piece of cloth.
ואם לאו – that the tear is not so great that his skin would come in contact with/touch the chair, it did not void it from the category of a piece of cloth, and he is ritually impure.
שנמהה ממנו (to be tattered/to fall to pieces from it) – that [one thread] wore out from it, and its example of something tattered that was hanging over a healthy piece, as is taught in the Mishnah above at the end of chapter twenty-four (Mishnah 17) "שלשה תריסין הן"/There are three kinds of shields”: “A worn out basket in which one patched to a sound one – they follow the status of the sound one.” And when one thread wore out from a piece of cloth of three [handbreadths] by three-handbreadths squeezed in, the measurement was lessened and it is ritually pure.
או שני חוטין מתאימין (or two threads running alongside) – My teachers/Rabbis explained, that [the word] מתאימין/running alongside/adjoining refers to the knot. And such it is taught, that if there found in it two knots that are adjoining each other or two threads adjoining each other. Because if two threads that are tied one to the other in the cloth, there is no way to leave them, and this what we said in the Gemara in [Tractate Shabbat 74b) in the chapter, “The Great Principle”/כלל גדול, if it happens that there are two knots next to one another, one is loosened and the other is knotted. Two threads that run along one another, for it is the manner of the weaving that the woof enters into the warp, two threads do not enter at the same time, but rather in a place where this one enters and that one leaves, and when both of them are equivalent, the one is thought to be like the one that doesn’t exist.
החזירה – to the house.
טמאה – for he retracted in his intention/thought.
לעולם השלכתה מטהרתה וחזרתה מטמאתה (always does throwing it out purify it and recovering it renders it unclean) – meaning to say in that manner/way, it becomes susceptible for being defiled and becomes purified ten times a day.
ארגמן וזהורית טובה (purple and fine crimson silk) – it is considered but it is not nullified [from the category of cloth]. And the good crimson is colored silk CRAMIZI in the foreign language.
אף מטלית חדשה כיוצא בהן (even a new patch of that stuff) – its law is like the law of purple and fine crimson [silk], and the trash does not invalidate it from the category of a cloth.
כולן טהורין – if it was thrown into the trash, even the purple and the fine crimson [silk].
לא הוזכרו – purple and good crimson [silk] to be separated/divided from the rest of the clothing.
אלא מפני השבת אבידה – that if he found them in the trash, we don’t say that he threw them there knowingly, and they require public announcement for because of their importance, the owner do not despair [of recovering it]. But the rest of the clothing is not important, that if he found them in the garbage/trash, they don’t require public announcement. And the Halakah is according to the first Tanna/teacher.